Medical Equipment


Medical Equipment


Medical Equipment Manager: Mr. Mehdi Miri

Preparation of medical certificates for various departments of medical departments and their annual review

Perform periodic visits and PM of medical equipment continuously

Carry out repairs and troubleshooting medical equipment inside the unit and medical departments

Perform high-risk medical equipment calibration annually or six months

Perform general service and calibration of laboratory equipment

Medical equipment requirements, purchasing bachelors and purchasing process according to regulations and specialist manuals.

Removing medical equipment according to existing guidelines

Relocation of medical equipment between different departments

PM contract and medical equipment maintenance with companies

Planning for user training and maintenance of equipment to users

Administration of the office includes the entry of administrative correspondence information, the entry of internal and external repairs (records of repairs), the entry of equipment identification data, and the calibration certificate for future planning.

Administrative correspondence with the General Directorate of Health, General Directorate of Equipment, University and Corporations

Assessing the performance of companies and the organization of medical engineering in the sectors when performing repairs and calibrations and PM by companies and monitoring their performance.

Provision and maintenance of spare parts and equipment for repairs in the medical engineering unit

Carry out other tasks according to Supreme Command

Last Update At : 01 June 2019